Cemetery Etiquette
When visiting a cemetery, these tips will help you enjoy a peaceful experience.
Follow the Cemetery’s Rules
Follow the Cemetery’s Rules
Follow any of the rules posted on the signs around the cemetery. This includes cemetery hours and flower restrictions. They are written to help all guests have a peaceful experience visiting their loved one.
Be Respectful of Other Mourners
Be Respectful of Other Mourners
Give everyone their space and privacy, especially if a funeral is happening.
Respect the Graves and Monuments
Respect the Graves and Monuments
It is disrespectful to touch the headstones and monuments, as this can damage them. Never remove any of the items placed by the gravestone that could be left by a family.
Lower Your Voice
Lower Your Voice
Many mourners want quietness when they are visiting grave. Speak softly and quietly and have your phone silenced or off.
Keep the Cemetery Clean
Keep the Cemetery Clean
Never litter or leave behind your trash. Either find a garbage can or bring it with you.
Look After Your Children
Look After Your Children
Keep your eye on your children when at a cemetery. Do not allow them to be loud or run around.